Management Information System

If you use an MIS in your organisation, we strongly recommend integrating it with the Educater software to ensure all your school, pupil, and employee details are pulled through automatically. This will save you time and reduce the risk of errors.

We have partnered with Wonde, a leading provider of data management solutions, to make MIS integration easy and secure. With Wonde, you can be confident that your data is always up-to-date and accurate.

Please note that MIS integration can have a time delay, depending on your MIS provider. However, we will work with you to ensure that the integration is completed as quickly as possible.

MIS Screen for the Configuration Wizard


If your MIS is integrated with Educater, your employees will pull through to our software – You may skip this stage and move onto Roles.

If you need to add your employees, please select how you wish to do so.

Please note, if you wish to add employees at a later date, you can do this using the Maintenance module, however we recommend you complete this now.

MIS Integration can have a time delay. This can depend on your MIS provider.

Employees Screen for the Configuration Wizard


Here you will choose which role you would like to give to your employees. Simply tick and untick the roles for each staff member depending on your requirements.

  • Employees will recieve an email notification when their user has been created.

The Default Roles provided include the below access –

Teacher: Provides access to the Assessment and Tiny Tracker only. Within Assessment teachers will have access to – 

  • Group Management (but not public groups)
  • Access Reports
  • Override Pita, Override Steps and record Star Data

SLT: Provides access to all areas within the Assessment Module but no Admin Access.

Full Access: Provides access to all areas of the system.

Providing an Employee with a Class Teacher Role will provide them with access to all pupils data, you can amend this later in the Maintenance Module.

Roles Screen for the Configuration Wizard


If your MIS is integrated with Educater, your pupils will pull through to our software – You may skip this section and move onto Year Mapping.

If you need to add your pupils, please select how you wish to do so.

If you wish to add pupils at a later date, you can do this using the Maintenance module later, however we recommend you complete this now.

MIS Integration can have a time delay. This can depend on your MIS provider.

Pupils Screen for the Configuration Wizard

Year Mapping

In order for Educater to work with your organisation’s information and data, you will need to map your year groups against our system year names.

Year Mapping Screen for the Configuration Wizard

Term Dates

Now you will need to set your term dates, or for non-educational bodies, your end data points. You can do these for this year’s academic year by choosing the dates for each term/point below. If you would like, you can set these for the following academic year too.

If you wish to amend the terms names you can do this in the Assessment and Maintenance Modules.

Term Dates Screen for the Configuration Wizard


Here’s your chance to pick and choose which Assessment Methodology you would like to implement on the system. Select the Methodology you are interest in for the different core subjects.

  • Core subjects are available to get you started. You can add more later by going to the Maintenance Module.
  • All terminology can be made bespoke to your setting and all steps/judgements can be overridden if you require.
Subjects Screen for the Configuration Wizard

All Done!

Now that you've setup the Configuration Wizard, you start inputting data into the system, produce some powerful reports and explore the major features. 

For all of our system support, you can find all of our resources on the Learning Hub, which includes helpsheets, video walkthroughs and webinar recordings. Signup to our live webinars, these are free to attend and are hosted by our Education Consultants.


For further help and support:

Email –

Telephone – 0300 012 0001

Live Chat – Click on the We're Online! icon