Observation Tracker

A simpler process of observing your pupils, students or trainees to identify their next steps in learning.


How can Observation Tracker be used for monitoring?

Observation Tracker can be used to easily monitor your pupils, students or trainees to gain insights into how well they are progressing and whether they are achieving their targets. Our Observation Tracker has been created to allow you to customise the system according to the level of education you specialise in. Adapt the system to include your specific curriculum with unique objectives and have the freedom to make your own decisions. 

Hear from the experts

SEND Pupils

Observation Tracker provides support to schools to track the small step progress of SEND pupils. The pupil observation tool is designed to assist teachers to track their assessments, meaning that all pupils within a school can reach their full potential. 

Whether you are using the Engagement Model, the National Curriculum or your own framework, you can bespoke your own curriculum templates and objectives to make the system unique to your setting.

One-to-One Tuition

We understand that each student has a unique and personalised approach to needing educational support. With the help of Observation Tracker, you can accurately pinpoint a student’s next steps in learning and ensure they can accomplish these to reach their goals.

Our platform will allow you to record meaningful assessment observations and detail every rewarding moment, achievement and milestone. Using the reports function will always keep you and parents updated on the student’s performance.

Apprenticeships and Workplace Qualifications

Observation Tracker is available for observing and assessing the progression of apprentices as they undertake their apprenticeship or for monitoring other workplace training and qualifications. Using our smart software, you can input important observations and compile a detailed portfolio containing evidence of their achievement and progress across the whole company. As a result, you can readily access the evidence for end-point assessment (EPA) for apprentices, or indeed quickly access evidence for submissions required in any other qualification.

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Other Assessment Modules

Assessment Tracker

The complete assessment suite that supports your educational setting - track data to give clear insights into attainment and progress

Tiny Tracker

Identify and track how the youngest children are progressing and evidence their journey through their Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)