Elevating Education Through Strategic Planning
![](https://www.educater.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/puzzle-1.png 767w, https://www.educater.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/puzzle-1.png)
1 Cultivating Excellence
A good School Improvement Plan will allow your school to identify its goals, strategies and actions to improve its educational programs and outcomes - providing a structured framework for identifying areas in need of improvement and implementing strategies to enhance the overall quality of education within the school.
2 Empowering Progress
School Improvement Plans are essential tools for accountability and continuous improvement in education. They will help your schools focus efforts on areas that need attention and provide a roadmap for making meaningful changes to enhance the educational experience and outcomes for students.
3 Unlocking Insights
A self evaluation form (SEF) is a valuable tool within a School Improvement Plan as they enable schools to objectively assess their performance, involve stakeholders, set priorities, and make informed decisions to enhance the quality of education. At Educater, we understand how SEFs are an integral component of a comprehensive approach to school improvement and accountability.
How can a SEF improve performance?
Ofsted use the school SEF (Self Evaluation Form) to review each school’s thoughts on their own strengths, training requirements and areas for improvement as one of their areas for evaluation during inspections. SEF in primary and secondary schools allow teachers and leaders to effectively plan key areas of improvement and how to achieve their performance goals.
Using SEFOnline
Developed by school leaders, our SEFOnline tool takes the pain out of creating a meaningful self evaluation by taking School Leaders through a carefully designed process to evaluate each aspect against a number of key performance indicators.
Once a school has been through the interactive tool and completed each section, they can download their finalised professional self-evaluation document. Schools would typically update their SEF each term after an assessment point. SEFOnline feeds directly into school improvement planning, making the process very useful.
Previous versions of your school SEF are archived for further reference. School data is presented clearly and accurately against national averages to illustrate the school’s performance. This then supports Senior Leaders when reporting to school Governors and shaping their School Improvement Plan as it clearly highlights the school’s strengths and weaknesses. SEFOnline provides an accurate indication of where a school is, as well as identifying where the school can make future improvements.