Educater Champions
The Educater Champions is our exclusive loyalty programme which rewards customers using the best of what we offer and also help spread the Educater word.
Our Champions

Katy Anglesea & Carl Sutherland
Dunston Hill Community Primary is a two-form entry school providing academic and pastoral provision for over 440 children, from Nursery to Year 6.
We have a modern, well-designed and secure building set in spacious, attractive grounds and an extensive range of internal and external facilities and resources ensure that the quality of teaching and learning has a significant impact on pupil outcomes. Our ethos of “Care and Respect for All” is at the heart of everything we do and we consistently strive for a balance between high expectations for children’s academic attainment, progress and potential, as well as their personal and social development.
We recognise children as unique individuals with specific talents and needs and aim to provide the nurturing and inclusive environment that children require in order to grow. We are also blessed with a staff team who work tirelessly to provide a varied and engaging curriculum and a positive school experience. We greatly value our place at the centre of the community of Dunston Hill and consequently engage with parents and carers to further enhance the life of our school and its curriculum, establishing and embedding links with local businesses, sporting organisations and projects which support some of our more disadvantaged families.
We are very proud of our children, especially for the resilience and determination they have shown recently, always demonstrating a “Ready, Respect and Kind” attitude to their work, their play and to the people around them – embodying the very essence of what Dunston Hill Community Primary School is all about.
Laura Trelfa
Micklehurst All Saints CE Primary School is a single form entry Primary School in Mossley, Tameside. We are a relatively small community of children, parents, staff and governors whose partnership creates a happy, welcoming and secure school in which children can blossom and develop. We pride ourselves on our caring, calm and purposeful teaching and learning environment.
Jacqueline Job
Normanhurst is a small school with a big vision. It’s an Independent Day School for Girls and Boys aged 2 to 16 where pupils of all abilities, aptitudes and social backgrounds thrive and achieve.
Our community is based upon high expectations of learning and behaviour is underpinned by excellent pastoral care. A fantastic team of teachers bring the best out of the pupils. Normanhurst School sees every pupil as an individual and values the contribution of each one, whether it is in academic excellence, artistic flair, musical ability, sporting prowess or community spirit. Our aim is that every pupil appreciates their value both within the school and in the world beyond. We aim to provide our pupils with a thirst for knowledge and a curiosity for the wider world.We believe in giving a breadth of experience to pupils of all ages allowing their talents to be nurtured and harnessed.
Emma Williams
We are a two-form entry maintained Primary School situated in Ellesmere Port in Cheshire West and Chester.
We have 14 classes from Reception to Year 6 and currently have 415 pupils on roll.
We started using Educater from Autumn 2019 and we currently use this from Year 1 to Year 6. We were an early adopter school for the new EYFS curriculum from September 2020 and we use Tiny Tracker across our EYFS provision.
If you are interested in joining the Educater Champion Programme, please get in touch and we can arrange for you to join the team.