Reduce Teacher Workload
In October 2014, the Department for Education (DfE) launched their workload challenge campaign aimed at finding new ways to reduce unnecessary workload for teachers. The report highlighted three big areas which teachers felt were responsible for taking up the majority of their time – marking, planning and data management.
We support the teacher workload challenge

At Educater, we also believe teacher workload is a major issue in the education industry, which is why our modules focus on making staffs' lives easier and reduce 'The School Struggle Cycle'.
Educater’s Assessment Modules are the perfect school planning and pupil/student monitoring system, that supports teachers, practitioners, school leaders and other staff in managing their workloads more effectively:
- Teachers and school leaders are able to log into the system securely from anywhere, at any time.
- Quickly record assessment information.
- Customise the platform with your flexible curriculum.
- Analyse attainment and progress efficiently.
- Helps teachers to understand the needs of their school and report to others.
One of the biggest benefits of Assessment is that it relieves teachers from large volumes of paperwork, allowing their time to be better spent teaching their pupils in the classroom.
Other ways Educater can reduce teacher workload
School Report Writing
Teachers are able complete their school report writing quickly by choosing from a selection of pre-determined statements or they can add their own. School Leaders are then able to approve or unapproved their teachers' entries with a click of a button.
EHCP and IEP Management
Educater's SEND module dramatically reduces the workload for SENDCos and support staff by improving communication between families and professionals. SEND provides a quick turnaround resulting in more effective learning and helps education, health and care teams meet the statutory 20-week time frame. SEND ensures that the outcome is progressive for the pupil who is placed at the heart of the EHCP or IEP.
Online School Evaluation Forms
Educater SEFOnline guides school leaders through an online school evaluation process based on key performance indicators. Once a school has been through the interactive tool, which only takes a few hours to complete, they can download a professional self-evaluation document.