Who we work with
We are proud to work amongst leading names within the education industry. The Educater system has been developed by software experts who have also built collaborative solutions with educational professionals, which is why our system is able to manage the needs of any setting.
Wonde is a leading provider of data management solutions, providing a protective layer between the data in a school MIS with third-party applications. Schools can have peace of mind that the data being shared is not only safe, but up to date, with Wonde integrating seamlessly to ensure any changes made within an MIS are mirrored in the third party applications schools use. Trusted by over 27,000 schools, 400 apps and 35 million individuals, Wonde reduces staff workload, optimises data security and supports the provision of learning.
Research carried out by the Early Years Coalition, resulted in the development of Birth to 5 Matters as they adapted the previous non-statutory guidance to produce a new form of support which aims to meet the needs of EYFS practitioners. This information and guidance provide foundations for good EYFS practice within Early Years settings.
STAT Sheffield’s approach to ‘life after levels’ has been developed by Sheffield school leaders, the local authority and education practitioners coming together to devise a new system for assessment following the Government’s announcement that National Curriculum levels would not be replaced. Educater’s Assessment is the only online assessment tracking system designed to specifically to manage STAT Sheffield content.
Pearson’s Abacus content has been incorporated in to Educater Assessment as an option for teachers to track pupil progress against. Abacus has been designed to support teachers in making well-informed judgements about how primary aged children are learning in mathematics. Abacus helps children master mathematical concepts and to encourage a love for maths.
Rising Stars developed their whole-school frameworks with the support of assessment experts. The result is a set of ‘ladders of progression’ for English, mathematics, science, geography, and history. These ladders are used as a framework for Educater’s assessment tracking module Assessment to track against.
Discovery RE’s assessment system allows teachers to easily assess and track pupil progress. Discovery RE also contains mapping documents that demonstrate how the scheme fully supports SMSC, British Values, the requirements of locally agreed syllabi and Understanding Christianity. The Discovery RE assessment statements are now available on Educater for schools who use the scheme. For more information about Discovery RE, please visit discoveryschemeofwork.com or call 01202 377192.
The Birmingham SEN Toolkits from Access To Education provide schools using Educater Assessment with a method to track and identify pupils with special educational needs working below expected levels of the National Curriculum in Maths and English. The Toolkits support teachers and SENCOs with a range of teaching and learning ideas in order to improve learning outcomes and inclusion in the classroom.
With the help and support of senior teachers who are responsible for curriculum delivery and assessment in primary schools across England, the NAHT has developed a set of model assessment criteria based on the new National Curriculum. The NAHT assessment frameworks have been incorporated into the Assessment pupil tracking system.
The National Association of Independent Schools and Non-Maintained Special Schools (NASS) is a membership organisation working with and for special schools in the independent, voluntary, and private sectors within the UK.
Helen Sanderson Associates is dedicated to personalisation and person-centred practices. It is with the help and guidance from Helen Sanderson Associates that Educater was able to develop its Pupil Passport module which creates a live one-page profile.