Tiny Tracker is an easy-to-use online learning journal for pre-schools and reception classes.
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Observe and monitor how young children are progressing throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage and capture every special moment along the way. Tiny Tracker is an EYFS tracker and learning journal that allows observers to share evidence with parents so that they can see for themselves how their children flourish at the start of their learning journey.
Powerful features
An online EYFS learning journal that is packed with reports and features to help monitor children’s development.
Tiny Tracker has a range of features that help early years leaders to manage their setting effectively. Tiny Tracker's reports provide both a holistic and individual analysis of child development.
The EYFS tracker reports directly back to parents so that they are kept up-to-date with their children's daily activities.
1 Contextual Reports
Tiny Tracker provides a one-page overview of your early years context. The reports provide a breakdown of the numbers and percentages of different groups by cohort, including extended ethnicities and mobility.
These reports are particularly useful when reporting back to investors, governors and in preparation for Ofsted and HMI visits.
2 Attainment and Progress Reports
There are a variety of attainment and progress reports within Tiny Tracker to show observers the progress their children are making.
The reports display the percentage of pupils at each step and the percentage of pupils at ARE or above. There is also a report to show individual progress through Ages and Stages.
3 Pupil Reports
In addition to an online learning journal which evidences a child’s time in early years, Tiny Tracker offers a Gaps In Learning report that shows the depth of knowledge for each child and an individual summary of each subject.
The report provides a cohort summary for each statement in the chosen framework and is an ideal planning tool for early years staff to create engaging activities.
4 Choose From Multiple Frameworks
Every early years setting has their own unique way to monitor their children. This is why Tiny Tracker provides leaders with a variety of frameworks to select from.
Observers can monitor children against multiple curriculum content including the EYFS, ELG, Leuven frameworks, the New Development Matters Framework or the Birth to 5 Matters Guidance.
Two-way Communication: Parent Passport
When we ask our children how their day has been we can often be greeted with some wildly imaginative versions of what they’ve been up to.
This is why Tiny Tracker provides schools with the ability to send observations, photos and reports back to parents and easily allow them to communicate with feedback and comments.
The reports tell parents exactly what their child has been doing and allows them to make sense of their child’s growing imagination.
Select feature
Using Tiny Tracker, upload regular newsletters and correspondence onto Parent Passport so that parents can keep up to date with important news and announcements. By uploading your materials, parents can conveniently access important information at their own convenience, regardless of their location and schedule.
Parents with multiple children have the ability to switch between their children on our Parent Passport, regardless of whether they attend different educational settings. This allows parents to maintain a deep understanding of the individual child's educational journey and provide personalised support for each child's needs.
Our daily, weekly, and monthly calendar provides parents with a comprehensive view of their child's upcoming activities and events, ensuring they have a clear understanding of what lies ahead. This enables parents to support their child's growth and development throughout their early years.
Parent Passport offers a convenient and secure online system that allows parents to view observations and updates about their children quickly and easily. With this system, parents can access the information they need from any device, whether it's a computer, smartphone, or tablet, and they can do so from anywhere in the world.
How does tiny tracker benefit me?
Pre-schools and Reception classes:
Tiny Tracker allows early years professionals to track progress against all 17 aspects of the EYFS Ages & Stages Framework, as well as the New Development Matters Framework and the Birth to 5 Matters Guidance.
Observers can easily identify and track trends across cohorts as well as creating individual and key group progress reports.
Observing Children Throughout their Early Years
We understand how important it is that learning remains fun which is why we have designed Tiny Tracker to make observations easy to capture.
Practitioners can quickly make observations on any device, including mobiles and tablets, meaning that there is minimal distraction from learning.
Parents and Carers
Parents may find it difficult to leave their young children as they go about their busy lives.
Through Tiny Tracker's Learning Journal parents and carers can see with ease the fun their children are having and the progress they are making.
Sharing evidence through the Parent Passport results in greater parental engagement in their children’s early education.