A simple but effective way to reduce the administrative burden of managing the SEND process.


Online EHCP management for SENDCOs

The online SEND tool is a unique approach to managing your internal process as well as dramatically reducing the administrative burden for your SENDCOs and other educational staff. The aim of SEND is to make the process simpler and we have a range of standard templates included, for example IEP, Simple Behaviour Support Review and Simple Support Plan Review. We can also create bespoke templates for you, for example Local Authority EHCPs.

How SEND is a beneficial SENDCO tool

Communication with Families

Educater SEND will help to improve communication between professionals and families and brings together education, health and care teams through an online EHC management platform.

Time Management

SEND is also a great way for educational staff to learn about their pupils’ needs and helps towards making every teacher, a teacher of every need. The SENDCo software breaks everything into simple, manageable chunks.

Central Focal Point

Provides a central focal point for your school and outside agencies to contribute towards the EHCP process and ensure that the outcome is positive for the individual who is placed at the centre of the EHCP or IEP.

IEP and EHCP Management

Helping to meet the reduced 20-week statutory time-frame – By providing better IEP and EHCP management, our SENCO software provides a quicker turnaround and ultimately support actions for pupils resulting in a more effective learning.

Ready to Start?

Talk to an expert consultant

Other Communication Modules


Communicate directly with parents with the online communication tool, offering both email and SMS options.

Report Writer

Minimise the workload of writing reports to parents by using our report writing module.

Parent Passport

Regularly keep parents updated with child observations, daily care diaries, announcements, and updates on learning.