Stephen Betts – Leader of the STAT Project explains STAT Sheffield’s decision to make Educater the only online provider of their content.

“From September 2015 there were five tracking solutions that had been licensed to use the STAT Sheffield content, with STATonline the only tracker that had been designed by the same people who designed the STAT approach.

From September 2016 Educater’s pupil progress tracking software STATonline will be the only tracker which offers STAT Sheffield content with the capability to electronically record children’s attainment against the STAT grids, as well as analyse progress and attainment data. 

STAT Sheffield Licensed Tracker Partners



Summer 2018+

Classroom Monitor



Ending the relationship between STAT Sheffield and O-Track/E-Mag/Classroom Monitor has been a difficult decision, which we have not taken lightly. We understand that many schools will be disappointed and will feel that they now have to make a difficult decision themselves. We have been working hard with Educater, our commercial partner in the development of their school pupil tracker STATonline, and feel that it is increasingly difficult for us to recommend and endorse other trackers.

We are very proud of the way that Educater’s pupil assessment tracking solution STATonline continues to develop and we hope that schools, who haven’t seen it yet, will take a little time to have a look at why we feel that this is the best system to use alongside STAT assessment content. We will, of course, support schools in any way that we can with any transition issues that this creates.”