It seems a very long time since I have written a summary of any assessment documentation from the DFE.

At the end of last half term the DFE published the Assessment and Reporting Arrangements for KS1 and 2. (Click the files below to open the documents).

In one sense, it is good news that there are only very slight changes to the processes from previous years, so as long as we can remember what the past looked like, all will be good.

To that end, I have read the documents and have highlighted some key information to share with you…of course, as the year progresses, we will flag up key dates and deadlines to you…but hopefully this will save you 120 pages of information.


  • All eligible Y2 pupils must sit the phonics test before the end of the Autumn Term.  You can choose from the 2017, 2018 or 2019 tests. Obviously, this should be a test that they have not seen before, so you may need to choose carefully if you have undertaken practice tests internally.
  • Results must be submitted to your Local Authority in the usual way by the end of term.  Your LA will provide you with their own deadline.
  • Pupils who do not meet the required standard this term will need to retake the test at the end of Year 2 (6th-10th June).

Key Stage 1

  • Testing will resume from 3rd  – 27th May, as with previous years in Reading and Maths, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling remains optional.
  • Scaled Score conversions will be published 1st June, and the results of Reading and Maths must be used to inform teacher assessment at the end of the year.
  • Teacher assessment continues in Reading, Writing, Maths and will continue to be externally moderated as before.
  • Science also continues to be teacher assessed, but will not be externally moderated.
  • P-Levels and the ‘D’ code (Disapplied) have been removed.  All pupils working below the Pre-Key Stage standards (i.e. those not engaged in subject specific learning) must be assessed on the Engagement Model (as assessment formed of 5 areas: exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation).  You can use our new Observation Tracker to monitor and track the progress of these pupils.
  • Teacher assessment data must be submitted to the LA before the end of the summer term. Your LA will provide you with their own deadline.
  • Once you have submitted your results, did you know you can quickly and easily analyse them using Analytics from Educater?

Year 4 Multiplication Check

  • The MTC is mandatory for all pupils to take the online MTC 6th-24th June.
  • Have you thought about using the Scaled Assessment Tool to record your children’s Multiplication achievement and progress?

Key Stage 2

  • Testing will resume from 9th -12th May
    • Monday Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
    • Tuesday Reading
    • Wednesday Maths 1 (Arithmetic) and 2 (Reasoning A)
    • Thursday Maths 3 (Reasoning B)
  • Writing will continue to be teacher assessed and externally moderated. 
  • Science will be internally assessed. There is no Science Sampling this year.
  • P-Levels and the ‘D’ code (Disapplied) have been removed.  All pupils working below the Pre-Key Stage standards (i.e. those not engaged in subject specific learning) must be assessed on the Engagement Model (as assessment formed of 5 areas: exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation).  You can use our new Observation Tracker to monitor and track the progress of these pupils.  Teacher assessment data must be submitted for each subject where a pupil is working below the standard of the tests.
  • Results will be published on Tuesday 5th July. These will be made available to schools, MATs, Local Authorities and Ofsted, but not published in performance tables.
  • Did you know, you can upload your results to Educater and use Analytics to get instant analysis of your outcomes?

  • The new KS2 progress measure will be published (possibly in September 2022 – TBC).

Moderating Nomination

  • If your school is an Academy or Free School, you must nominate your chosen moderating authority by 19th NovemberThis is a chargeable service.  Participating Independent Schools must complete this by 10th December.

Key Dates this term

1st November

Moderator training added to the Primary Assessment Gateway

8th November

Multiplication Check IT Guidance published

19th November


  • Maintained schools to order modified papers
  • Independent schools, Special Schools and PRUs to order KS1 and 2 papers where needed
  • Academies and Free Schools to confirm moderating authority on Primary Assessment Gateway
  • All schools to confirm holiday dates on Primary Assessment Gateway

10th December


  • Participating Independent Schools to confirm moderating authority on Primary Assessment Gateway

By the end of the autumn term

Schools to administer the Phonics Screening check to eligible Y2 pupils and submit their results to the LA. (Your LA will confirm their own deadline).